What Colour is Your Urine?

Water is crucial to our existence, it makes up 2/3rds of the human body, is essential to function and has a wide range of benefits. Experts suggest 8 – 10 glasses of water a day which equates to 1.5 – 2 litres. This is to maintain regular body function, flush out waste products, keep concentration,

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No Butts Just Quit

It is never too late to quit and now is the time. You may have tried before, and maybe you didn’t succeed, but don’t give up! According to recent research you are three times more likely to stop smoking if you get help. Even brief advice increases quit rates, for example, even a 3-minute conversation

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Smoking Causes House Fires

It is estimated that Fire Rescue services in Staffordshire will attend about 37 smoking related house fires each year, costing the county £5.4M. Fatalities are disproportionally high in smoking related fires, careless disposal of cigarettes is the single biggest killer in house fires and totally avoidable. Here is the best advice on how to avoid

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Benefits of Walking

Walking is great! It is free, no equipment is needed, it is good for the body and mind, and, with doctors advising at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day, it is one of the easiest activities to add into everyday life. If you are thinking of getting more active, here are the

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