Vapes and Cytisine are now available from Everyone Health to help you stop smoking!

If you are aged 18+, live in Staffordshire and want to stop smoking tobacco for good, we can help with 12-weeks FREE behavioural support and FREE stop smoking medication. Along with the standard offer of Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Everyone Health can now offer you: Contact Everyone Health to start your quit journey today by calling

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Which form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is best for you?

With Stoptober just under a month away, many of us will have quitting smoking for the 28-day challenge on our minds. Typically when people quit smoking, they will use stop smoking treatments (NRT) to help curb those pesky cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms. If you’ve not had much success with quitting before (did you know

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Quit smoking during Pride

 LGBTQ+ people are far more likely to smoke than straight people. Around seven in 10 LGBTQ+ people smoke regularly, casually or are former smokers. Caroline Kenny, Clinical Professional Lead for Tobacco control at Everyone Health said “There is limited research into why the prevalence for smoking is so high within the LGBTQ+ community but we

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Stress and Smoking

It’s a common misconception that smoking is an instant stress-reliver, which is likely why so many of us turn to tobacco to cope when stress hits. However, research continues to show that smoking *actually* increases anxiety and tension. How, you ask? Well, this is because nicotine creates an immediate feeling of relaxation which is what

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Stopping Smoking at Ramadan

Replace shisha with Isha this Ramadan. It’s a common misconception that shisha is ‘better’ for you than smoking tobacco, however did you know that just 1 shisha session (*which lasts typically 20-80 minutes) is the same amount of carbon monoxide as smoking over 100 cigarettes? Just like regular cigarette smoking, these toxins from tobacco-based shisha

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