NHS Health Checks
Keep your wheels turning with a midlife MOT. The NHS Health Check is offered to people aged 40-74 with no pre-existing conditions. You should have an NHS Health Check every five years.

Stop Smoking
Want to quit smoking? It doesn’t have to be a drag. Everyone knows that smoking’s bad for your health (not to mention bank balance) but giving up is another matter. If you’ve tried quitting or always thought it was too difficult then our Stop Smoking service is for you.

Stop Smoking In Pregnancy
Our actions on the outside can make a huge impact on a baby’s wellbeing, even before they enter the world. That is why we offer stop smoking support for pregnant ladies and their partners or significant others who share the home.

Weight Management
Start your journey to a healthier weight. We all know that losing weight is down to a healthier diet and more exercise, but very often life gets in the way. That’s why we’ve brought the two things together in the form of weekly sessions that include 45 minutes of exercise and 45 minutes of nutritional advice, where you can learn more about eating healthily.

What’s New
Take a look at our latest articles to find out more about our current programmes and activities.

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is about using everyday conversations to help people make changes to improve their physical and mental wellbeing by signposting to local services. Training includes helping others to find solutions and create behaviour change plans.