Water is crucial to our existence, it makes up 2/3rds of the human body, is essential to function and has a wide range of benefits.
Experts suggest 8 – 10 glasses of water a day which equates to 1.5 – 2 litres. This is to maintain regular body function, flush out waste products, keep concentration, improve skin, lubricate joints, and many other benefits.
The right colour urine
Ever had a little look in the toilet only to see a bright colour staring back? Our urine is essentially a colour chart of hydration and will let you know how much water you need to drink.

= You are hydrated so keep drinking water as normal
= You should drink a little more water now (a small glass) but you are doing ok
= You need more water, roughly half a bottle within the next hour or a whole bottle if you are doing something intense
= You need more water, roughly half a bottle within the next hour or a whole bottle if you are doing something intense
= Drink 2 bottles of water as soon as possible (1,000ml).
If your urine gets any darker, or a different colour, it may be the sign of a medical problem and you should consult a doctor.
Nutrition and hydration week is taking place from 16th of March until 22 March 2020, if you want to learn more, check out the nutrition and hydration website.
For further nutrition advice, why not check your eligibility to our services. We can help you with nutrition and hydration advice via our adult weight management services and health trainer services. This is to help support you in becoming a healthier you. Check out our services on the website to check for eligibility, or call to find out more: 0333 005 0095.