Stop Smoking In Pregnancy

Everyone Health offers FREE stop smoking support for those who are pregnant or 6 months post pregnancy, as well as partners or household members living with someone who is pregnant or 6 months post pregnancy, to help to create a safe, smoke-free home for all the family.

Who can join?

  • Anyone currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the last 6 months and living in Staffordshire.
  • Anyone who lives in a household with someone who is pregnant or who has been pregnant in the last 6 months and living in Staffordshire.
  • Is a current smoker of any tobacco product.

Please contact us to find out if you are eligible for this service.

Where can you get help?

With weekly telephone or face-to-face appointments and free vapes and NRT delivered to your door, our free, non-judgemental service will support you and your household members on your way to providing a smoke-free home.

How we can help

Our free 12 week virtual OR face-to-face programme helps those who are pregnant, 6 months post pregnancy and their partners, or other household members, to stop smoking for good.

The programme combines free stop smoking products with specialised support to help manage withdrawal symptoms and handle cravings, without reaching for a cigarette. Products that we do offer are Vapes and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to support you to be smoke free.

Led by our friendly in-house midwife, Shauna and our team of dedicated practitioners, we are able to provide one to one support to help stop smoking at any stage of the pregnancy.

Why quit if you’re pregnant?

Exposing an unborn baby to cigarette smoke can increase the risk of tragic outcomes throughout the pregnancy as well as post-birth. These include:

  • Miscarriage
  • Stillbirth
  • Sudden infant death syndrome – SIDS (cot death)

If you are a pregnant smoker who spends a lot of time around other smokers, this can also increase the negative effect of smoke on the foetus. Research shows that 80% of second-hand smoke is invisible and odour-free, meaning unborn babies can still develop smoke-related complications from second hand smoke.

For more reasons to quit during pregnancy, visit

Find your nearest face-to-face Stop Smoking Support session

EH Staffordshire face-to-face Stop Smoking Support clinics have now started. Please find the nearest clinic to you using the below timetable.

Quit today

If you are eligible and would like support to quit, contact us today.

Call 03330 050095 or text QUIT to 60777